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Proudly Canadian & family-owned 🇨🇦


About Us

Bringing Indulgent Sleep to Every Night


I’ve always loved my sleep, but somewhere along the way, I started sacrificing sleep in the name of productivity. After some time, I had officially burned out. The prescription? Good, consistent sleep. 

Taking a closer look at the pillows on my bed, I noticed they were flat and worn out, and certainly not improving my quality of sleep. Determined to step up my sleep game, I began to replace each and every one of them. Still, my new pillows would start out strong, then soon fell flat like the rest. Frustrated, I took a closer look at what was inside my pillow and was disappointed at what I found. Even in the premium pillows with grandiose claims, I encountered the same polyester fluff.

Tired of the disappointment, I set out to create a pillow that would last, one that I could feel good about. With its adjustable loft and premium materials, Henrie is the pillow of my dreams—and I hope it’s yours, too.

- Larissa

Our Materials

When we were designing Henrie, we tested more than a hundred different pillows on the market, scrutinizing each and every material. Far too often, we encountered low quality materials being pitched as luxury. We knew Henrie had to be different, built with only the best inside and out.

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